Adopting a dog means an addition to your family that will make your heart full and gratified. So, as a responsible parent, you should know how and what are your obligations to keep your tiny companion fit and content.
- Train your pet on how to be around strangers, sit and how to manage his excitement.
- Ascertain that your pet participates in physical activities and walks around that will help him keep active and healthy.
- Do take your pet to routinely jabs and check-ups to protect them from unwanted illness.
- Do provide your pet plenty of water, it will purify his system and keep him away from health concerns.
- It’s mandatory to have a leash on while taking your dog out, this will save plenty of chaos and provide strangers with a sense of security.
- Do get your dog chewy and squeaky toys to keep him engaged and active while making him chase them.
- Make sure you have stainless steel or ceramic bowls for their foodstuff instead of plastics.
- Do make him feel loved and train him to fathom your commands.
- Reward him after he has accomplished a task, this is will shower him with joy and contentment and will make him more agile.
- Make sure you provide him with a nutritious diet to fit his special needs, according to his structure.
- Don’t feed them human snacks, that will make them cause weight, Also the chocolates are dangerous for them except for “dog’s chocolate”.

- Overfeeding your pets is not recommended, it should be according to their body structure and age.
- Don’t give your pet excessive baths, dry skin is common in animals which will cause itchiness and uneasiness.
- Don’t forget to wash your pet’s bowls frequently to avoid infection, unsanity can lead to sickness.
- Don’t offer extra treats, which will hamper their mealtimes and will lead to a deficiency of vital nutrients.
- Don’t act irresponsible read all the ingredients off of the packet and consult if you find anything dubious.
- Don’t perish your dog alone in a vehicle, that will make him irritable and he can even start to honk.
- Don’t forget to always put on identification tags while going out in public, this can prevent the mishap.
- While going out don’t forget to keep poop bags, which can be required anytime and will save you from foul catastrophe.
- Don’t let your pet intimidate other pets or livestock let alone leave them on grazed fields or crops.