Taika Waititi directed the film Thor: Love and Thunder.
The cast list for the Thor: Love and Thunder film includes Chris Hemsworth, Christian Bale, Natalie Portman, Tessa Thompson, and Taika Waititi.
Movie rating: 3.5 stars for Thor Love and Thunder
Thor: Love and Thunder are the latest in Marvel’s line of films about their superheroes. The plot centers around Jane Foster, a woman who has been crippled by cancer but whose powers enable her to be saved by Thor and his brother Loki.
The film introduces us to Darcy Lewis (portrayed by Rachel House), who is introduced as an awkward sophomore at Midgard High School in Oklahoma City. She develops feelings for her best friend’s older sister Jane Foster (Laura Haddock) during one of their first conversations after Darcy moves into their house with her aunt Natalie (Lexi Atkins).
Review: I’m in love with Chris Hemsworth as Thor.
Chris Hemsworth is a great Thor.
He’s also a great actor, which is why he can play the character with such believability and charisma.
Ha! I love him as an actor and a person—but mostly as an actor because I’d like to be Chris Hemsworth when I grow up (I’m not even kidding).
As far as I know, this movie doesn’t have any major plot spoilers or anything like that; it follows on from where we left off in Avengers: Endgame (the last movie).
Marvel delivers great characters, but sometimes falls flat on the script.
Marvel is a great studio for delivering characters. They have a formula that works and they stick to it, which is why their movies are so easily accessible to the general audience. Still, there are times when a story doesn’t quite make sense or feels like it’s missing something essential—and this may be one of those times with Thor: Love and Thunder.
The plot revolves around Loki (Tom Hiddleston) trying to steal Jane Foster’s love back from Thor (Chris Hemsworth), who had been acting as her guardian after her parents’ deaths at sea during World War II. In order for this plan to work out smoothly though, he needs Odin’s help in getting control over his hammer Mjolnir again; otherwise, Mjolnir would destroy everything within reach before returning back home again where it belongs!”
Review: The action scenes are mostly thrilling, but the plot is a little weak.
The action scenes are mostly thrilling, but the plot is a little weak. There are some plot holes that need to be explained or aren’t important enough to bother with. For example, one of Thor’s friends from Earth is called “the Traveler,” but we never see him in any other movie except Thor: Love and Thunder (it’s like his name was just put in there by accident). And there were other things that happened in this movie which I couldn’t understand why they bothered with at all—like when Jane Foster went back into her own body after being dead for years just so she could help save Asgard? Why would you do that? It didn’t make sense!
Review: It’s hard to watch this movie without feeling sad for Jane Foster.
It’s hard to watch this movie without feeling sad for Jane Foster. She is a great character, but she’s also an important part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). She’s been around since the very beginning of MCU films and has played many important roles as well as being a strong woman in her own right.
She was first introduced in Thor: The Dark World where she had been working with Dr. Selvig on Asgardian technology before being captured by Loki during his escape from Asgard with Thor, Loki’s father Odin, and other Avengers members including Hawkeye & Falcon who were looking after them while they waited for reinforcements from Earth so that they could go back home safely after defeating Malekith once more who had risen up against them again after escaping imprisonment at Mount Tamarisk where he’d been held prisoner before his release so long ago now due to death coming too soon due to illness contracted while imprisoned there during those days when Loki killed Dr Selvig himself rather than allow him to escape without doing anything else first – which meant killing all humans present there too which would’ve been difficult anyway considering how many lives were lost already thanks largely due mostly because no one knew what else might happen next time around…
Thor: Love and Thunder is a great movie that I highly recommend. The characters are well-developed, the action sequences are thrilling, and it features some of the best moments in the MCU. While there were a few problems with this film (i.e., not enough time spent on developing Jane Foster’s character), it’s still one of Marvel’s best movies yet!